Revolución de Cuba

Revolución de Cuba began back in the North of England, where a rum bar emerged that wasn’t like other bars. It wasn’t even like other rum bars. It started as an experiment. Could the spirit of the island of Cuba really be brought to life in food, music, cocktails and the people over here? It felt like a new beginning.


A new way to party, a new expectation of what it means to have a night out, to go for lunch, to celebrate every normal Tuesday for no reason at all. Now, with 19 bars across the UK, this team of passionate rum ambassadors is committed to spreading the word of this complex island. And the copious amounts of sugarcane spirit that come with it.


We stay true to the rums we sell and the histories behind them. And, like rum lovers for centuries before us, we continue to experiment, to play with the most diverse and mysterious category of them all. It’s truly intoxicating. And we invite you to explore it with us.

Our values and culture

‘La familia’, that’s what we are here at Revolución de Cuba. A team of strong, unique individuals all helping to deliver fun, memorable experiences to each and every one of our guests. People choose to visit us for many different reasons, and spend their hard earned money with us so it’s our job to live by our code and offer an escapism to those in search for it.



"Working and training here gave me the confidence to believe in my abilities. It's really helped me, without RBG I wouldn't be where I am today."
Jon Hughes, General Manager

Experience Revolucion de Cuba

Fancy helping create the ultimate fiesta? The work we do is fast-paced, fun and full of rewarding moments. Whether you’re a cocktail-making pro, passionate team leader or simply a people person, we’ve got the perfect role for you.

See what goes into creating a unique Cuban experience

Open positions

Browse by role and find your next career move with Revolution Bars Group. Your future starts here!

Revolucion De Cuba - Chef
Revolucion de Cuba Milton Keynes
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